Friday, January 15, 2010


Both are intensely powerful emotions that can lead an individual to do things he or she would not normally do. Both could lead to major crimes like murdering: for the one you love or the victem could be one you hate. Love, i would say, is the strongest of the two. Love is a pure thing thus neabling one to act more sensful, not saying that they always do, but if you look at story after story love always prevails hate and evil. TRUE love is also consensual. it takes two to tango so to speak thus building more allies. not to mention love never changes, however hate usually winds up in a rapid change of "i hate you so i'm going to get you" to "oh no, what have i done". hate is also frustrating, it clouds your mind and turns everything aginst you, it makes you not feel very well. its just not good.
so there, love trumps hate.

bad bad bad

We've all had bad ideas. We've all DONE some of those bad ideas. Here are 10 more for you

1. Horsing around in the locker room. It's all fun and games until someone gets hurt. Then you get suspended.
2. Jumping off a building with an umbrella. It might work for Mary Poppins, but trust me, it won't help out too much in the real world
3. Sledding at night with no lights. You may just fly into a ditch and break your finger.
4. Drinking milk without smelling it. Who knows how long it's been in your fridge, you might just get a mouthfull of cottage cheese.
5. Pouring a bolw of cereal without checking if you have milk. I did that this morning. it was very frustrating, i got all excited about getting some frosted mini wheats just to find out there was no more milk.
6. Robbing any place. That's just dumb, and with the technology we have today, you'll probably get caught.
7. Making brownies with olive oil. If u can't find vegetable oil, just give up or buy some. Olive oil makesyour brownies all rubbery and taste like puke.
8. Drop kicking a door. You'll probably just hurt your feet and wind up bruising your tushy and if you do end up busting the door open then good job, you just broke a perfectly good door.
9. Forgetting trash day. It backs up your trash, smells super bad and leaves you having to drive to the transit station.
10. talking with a fake accent at a resturaunt where one of your friends work. they'll rat you out so you end up looking like a dang fool. pretty awkward.

so that's it. don't do these things. thank you and s'long folks

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Decore De Chritmas

My favorite Christmas decoration is actually a tie. This old Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer we have. My Grandpa made it himself. It's a four-piece figure made of wood and i remember as a kid the funnest thing of decorating was putting it together. The legs to the body and the antlers to his head. I love everything about it, the paint thats wearing on its nose and eyes, the jungle bell fastened about his neck. Even the smell makes me smile. It's one of the only things my brother and I have to remember him.
The other is a miniature talking Christmas tree named Douglas my folks got for me and my brother to put in our shared room at our old house. It was like a house warming gift since it was the first Christmas at our (then) new home. It was a riot. It had eyes that lit up, eye lips that moved, and a mouth that reacted to his speech. He came with four songs and about 5 sayings. It was really state of the art at the time i remembered because it was motion censored so that when you passed he'd belt "Deck the Halls" or a corny line like, "You know, I shook limbs with Blitzen" and he'd wink. It was great. But yeah, those are my most favorite Christmas decorations ever.


The greatest present that i can remember ever was actually recently. It was last year. I had been receiving hand-me-down phones ever since my family discarded our home phone and all had cell phones. My brother on the other hand some how convinced mom and dad that he should be awarded my upgrades to get himself the greatest phones of the time. I was tired of it, so i asked for the iPhone. And i got it. Granted it was my only present other than the traditional undies and raisenettes. I was so happy when i got it. i still have it as a matter of fact. I use it more than any other gift i've ever gotten and still thank my folks that they actually got it for me.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Lights...Ground Features...Winter

Christmas time= Christmas lights. Everyone loves the way they look and shimmer. They illuminate neighborhoods and bring joy to all. One cannot deny the happiness within once you see multicolored strands glowing around plants, windows and trimmings; or the pureness of plain white bulbs shimmering about shrubberies and rooftops. However beautiful these may be, it is undoubtedly the most frustrating thing of the season. You set them up only to find out you cannot connect them, or once you finally find a way to bring power to each strand you see that a fuse is burst or a bulb is broken. Grr. nevertheless, enjoy the spectacles this year as it seems more people are participating exterior decorating.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Santa... BELIEVE!

I actually do believe in Santa, not so much him being a tangible, living, breathing thing more like an essence. Santa Clause is us being nicer than we usually are, more considerate of others, not necessarily knowing when one is sleeping or not, but paying attention to details of our loved ones so we know the perfect gift to bear. Santa is the spirit of giving, not some red clad man with a beer belly and scraggly white facial hair, but he exists nonetheless through us.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


I'm uber thankful for like, everything. Like im like super excited about like seeing my really really cool family because like they are really funny, there i slike never a dull moment and thanksgiving is just like super fun and i love all the food and like im super thankful for my hands because they're really soft and they let me master any and every instrument and i'm thankful that i live in like, America? becuase like it's super fun and like i get to do all kinds of things that i wouldn't be able to do if i lived in another country like, going to church? freedom of assembly? that's just to name a few. and i dunno, i'm just super happy about everything in my life and super thankful that i've tunred out the way i did because every day is just like, and adventure.